Our free FCPX transitions are tagged and searchable. FCPX Free offers more free FCPX transitions than any other site. Discover free Final Cut Pro X transitions to enhance your video. Alex4D has a heap of free plugins for Final Cut Pro X, with helpful guides to get the most out of them. It’s a great plugin which integrates well with Final Cut Pro and really saves you time. Panel Pop gives you 26 customizable Final Cut Pro X transitions that break your video into panels and animates to reveal the incoming clip. Ryan Nangle: Watercolor Transitions For Final Cut Pro MacOS: 1: 2,658 KB/s: Ryan Nangle: Timewarp Transition For Final Cut Pro: 1: 2,363 KB/s: Smooth Zoom 2.0 Transitions For Final Cut Pro X: 0: 2,945 KB/s: Boris FX Continuum Complete 2020 V13.0.0.416 For Final Cut Pro MacOS: 2: 2,846 KB/s: Final Cut Pro.